Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Rotary Club of Bangkok joined Rotary Club of Taipei South World in its Global Grant Project, Digital Learning Bridge, in Longdong. This resort town school in the northeast of Taiwan has 12 teachers for 36 boarding students. The primary school students in this fishing village were given iPad to connect to the outside world. Not only the kids were given iPads with no string attached (off course they are wireless, Wi-Fi), Rotaracters and Rotarians guided them through remote learning in social and business subjects. Thanks for the sumptuous and grand Japanese dinner at Sun Want Hotel in Taipei was hosted by the parents of Assoc. Prof. Stephen P. Tseng, RC Taipei South World president. Though RCTSW and RC Bangkok are not sister clubs, we are related by a marital relationship: our PP Linda is Pres. Stephen's sister-in-law.

 Opening Ceremony by President Stephen Tseng of RC Taipei South World

Little Tin-Tin (7), son of Rtn. Danu Chotikapanich from Bangkok, enjoys the class.
 Tin-Tin and his games on the bus

 Chartered President Raymond Au, Rotary Ann Tarisa Watanagase, 
and Rtn. Abdullah Alawaldi

Taiwanese Rotarians from 5 clubs supervise the kids.
 Class conducted by Taipei South World Rotarian, nicknamed 'Milk-King' (his classification, as Taiwan's largest distributor of dairy products). Note the 2 'ks' and not one word, 'milking'!

 Assoc. Prof. Stephen Tseng of RC Taipei South World

 Team RC Bangkok: Tarisa, Chamnong, Churairat, Kallaya, Abdullah, Sophia, and Linda 
 Kallaya, Abdullah, Sophia, Linda, ad Charles
 See how luxury the 36 pupils (with 12 teachers) are!

Seafood lunch hosted by RC Taipei South World

 Thanks for the sumptuous and grand Japanese dinner at Sun Want Hotel in Taipei was hosted by the parents of Assoc. Prof. Stephen P. Tseng, RC Taipei South World president. Though RCTSW and RC Bangkok are not sister clubs, we are related by a marital relationship: our PP Linda is Pres. Stephen's -in-law.

This technique of shooting VDO on a [Chinese banquet] round table is under my patent!

Mother of Pres. Stephen Tseng

Tarisa is signing a commemorative banknote for the host.

Abdullah, Thomas, Chamnong, Charles, and Sophia

Churairat and Dear

Sophia, Kallaya, Raymond and Stephen

  Thomas, Chamnong and Charles

 Kallaya and Thomas Lu 盧勝芳 

The next day at a hill tribal school on a remote mountain

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